Saturday October 25th,2014.

The Official Story
We are told that on Wednesday October 22nd, a disenchanted Muslim convert with a history of petty criminality launched a “lone wolf” terrorist attack on the Canadian capital Ottawa.
The man named as Michael Zehaf Bibeau is said to have begun by attacking a soldier named Corporal Nathan Cirillo who was on sentry duty at the Ottawa cenotaph (National War Memorial). The attacker is supposed to have shot Corporal Cirillo at least twice, (Barbera Winters states that two people were compressing one wound each) ) using a 30-30 Winchester Rifle before returning to his car, driving towards the Parliament nearby. Bibeau Zehaf then abandoned his car, ran up to another vehicle and seized this vehicle which he drove close to the Parliament, excited car number 2, ran into the Middle Section of the Parliament building, apparently pausing to shoot a security guard in the foot, where the Sergeant at Arms and former Parliamentary Security Chief Kevin Vickers shot him to death.
The incident came only two days after another incident involving Canadian soldiers and a purported jihadist terrorist. On Monday, another Muslim convert was killed by police after supposedly attacking two soldiers with a motor vehicle killing one of them.
A Motive Rich Environment
When Parliament resumed on Thursday the newly minted “hero” Kevin Vickers and the Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper were greeted with a rapturous response.
These incidents mark the first acts of violence attributed to supposed “Islamic extremists” in Canadian history, although the police have apparently disrupted earlier jihadist plots, with the
“Toronto 18” plot of 2006 the most obvious example.
The attacks came at an interesting time in Canadian politics, with n small contingent recently sent to attack the IS group in Iraq and the Parliament preparing to debate new “Security” legislation that would grant unprecedented powers to Canadian Law Enforcement and Security agencies.
All the supposed “Islamic terror” attacks in the West were either conducted entirely by Western Intelligence (September 11 and the London bombings) or with their complicity and augmentation. (World Trade Cntre 1993, Oklahoma City, Bali 2002) To see an “authentic” terror attack in the West would be a radical break fron the recent historical pattern of anti Western terrorism in the West.
Whilst at face value the Ottawa shooting story may seem relatively plausible, given that the self starting “lone wolf” terrorist only managed to kill one person, the fact is that each and every terror attack conducted under the banner of the supposed “Islamic Jihad” has been conducted under the supervision of Western intelligence agencies. This includes massive attacks such as the September 11th event, conducted entirely by Westerners, to petty events such as the failed “crotch bomber' and the “Times Square bomber” who simply placed flammable items into a car and set them alight.
The fact that the event in Ottawa did not cause mass casualties therefore does not indicate it's authenticity as a real terrorist attack conducted by a real terrorist.
Scrutiny of the footage and a critical examination of the media coverage of the Ottawa event indicate that the Ottawa shooting incident was a manufactured event, a psychological operation conducted against the people of Canada against the west, a classic utilisation of the “Problem, reaction Solution” formula designed to achieve the goals of the Canadian political elite and their New World Order handlers at the expense of the truth and the freedom of the Canadian people.
There appears to be a high likelihood that the Ottawa event is another from the Boston, sandy Hook school of false flags, where the entire event is concocted. I am extremely confident that the “terrorist” did not murder Corporal Nathan Cirillo, that was a lie. It does remain possible that the killing of the “terrorist/patsy” was authentic.
If we look back at the Boston bombing hoax, there was one very real element of the violence, the violence the State meted out against the supposed perpetrators was very real. Tamerlan Tsarnaev, was alive and in custody and the police really murdered him. An eyewitness stated that the police drove repeatedly over the elder Tsarnaev's body, The deaths of Tamerlan Tsarnaev and his friend Ibragim Todashev (shot to death in FBI custody no less) are both very real as indicated by the photos of their corpses. The Ottawa incident may have ended in the death of Mr. Bibeau Zehaf, it did not begin with the shooting of Corporal Cirillo, that was faked. This is obviously an event entirely stage managed and controlled by the Canadian Security Services and their Law Enforcement colleagues before a pre-positioned and waiting media.
The Problem with the Gunman Mr. Zehaf-Bibeau.
There is a welter of footage that depicts Mr. Bibeau, we see him return to his vehicle after the supposed “Cenotaph attack” on Corporal Cirillo. We see him leave his car and run across towards the Parliament. We see him park this car and run into the Parliament building. We do not see him fire his weapon, nor do we even see him brandish it in a threatening way. We see a guy running round with a gun. He doesn't carry the gun with any intent and he does not fire it.
We are told the gunman is a terrorist engaged in a suicidal mission. This is one, only and final chance to “even the score with the infidel” Yet he apparently makes no attempt to attack the second soldier stationed at the Cenotaph. Indeed we know that the ceremonial soldiers deployed at the Cenotaph were in pairs.

Yet we have never heard a word about the other soldier stationed there. His identity, response and how he avoided the terrorist gunman all remain oblique. There is no photograph that even shows another soldier on the scene, and the “suicidal gunman's” failure to target the other soldier makes no sense at all.

The Corporal Nathan Cirillo killing scene, please note the police tape has been put up and the complete lack of blood.
The Killing of Corporal Cirillo appears to be a work of fiction.
The first thing that I would like to know is whereabouts in his body Corporal Cirillo was shot? The individual who performed mouth to mouth resuscitation upon him Lawyer Barbera Winters claimed he was shot twice. I cannot see any evidence that he was shot at all, and much that should be there is not.
[caption id="attachment_282" align="alignnone" width="745"]

He was shot and he died. Therefore, he must have either been shot in the head or torso, or bled to death. Blood-loss is the only viable cause of death of being shot in the leg, right? The legs are not essential to human survival like the brain or the heart.
Please note the pristine white gloves and the complete lack of blood.
It is clear that Corporal Cirillo was not shot in the head. It is also hard to see any signs of a wound to his torso and all in all, the pristine white state of his gloves indicates he was not shot in the torso and tells us that this event was manufactured by the team from Lies central whoever they may be.
Attack Conforms to Scenario Envisaged by Security Forces.
This is Boston redux in Canada, and the Quebec incident must come under severe scepticism also. Especially given the fact that a CBC Senior Correspondent

Adrienne Arsenault tells us (via Aangirfan) that the Canadian Security Services recently ran a “war game scenario” that involved an initial attack in Quebec followed two days later by an incident elsewhere in Canada.
Please remember that this is a nation with no history whatsoever of jihadist terrorism and suddenly we have two attacks that conform to a script that was part of a “war game” to “test:” the capabilities of the Security Services just as the Government is about to bring new Security Laws granting unprecedented powers to the same Security Services before the Parliament.. How absolutely extraordinary. How farcical. Oh and it all happened just as they upped the “terror threat level” from low to moderate.
Another odd thing about the “terrorist killer' on a suicide mission was that he made no attempt to fire upon or harm any of the civilians he encountered. This is odd but could be reasoned away. (He had decided only to attack Security forces).
But if we accept that, what are we to make of the fact that when attempting to enter the Middle Section of the Parliament building, the supposed terrorist killer on a suicide mission was confronted by a Security guard, whom he supposedly shot in the foot.
That all pales somewhat into insignificance when we look at the two films shot by the Canadian media from the final incident in the Middle Section that saw the death of the purported gunman.
The gunman commandeers a vehicle, (careful not to harm the occupant) drives the vehicle to the Parliament complex. He is being closely pursued by Police

The first police arrive at the Centre block Hallway under the eyes of a waiting and prepositioned media scrum.
These are the first police to arrive in the Centre block in pursuit of the Gunman, yet the media team were already there in numbers. Not only the camera filming what we see, but several others.
News teams were lined up in the alcoves waiting for the event to take place.
[caption id="attachment_290" align="alignnone" width="762"]

Waiting Media are clearly visible.

How on earth is it possible that this unprecedented event suddenly occurred and at least three media teams were waiting in exactly the right place to film the climax of the operation and they arrived before the police. It almost seems intentionally insulting the way they do things. It was also interesting that during this video.
Ottawa Shooting_ New Footage of Gun Fight (mirrored from Free radio Revolution as it wouldn't embed)
at the 32 second mark one of the waiting media personnel appears to mutter “this is fake”. The media are in place for more than a minute before the police even arrive.
It;s transparent nonsense. The latest installment of grotesque street theatre from the men and woman of the House of Big Lies.
The Corporal appears not to have been murdered at the Cenotaph, whether the gunman himself died is completely unclear. He may well have been genuinely killed, he may well have not been killed.
What we have seen is clearly simply a large scale complex drill parlayed into a big lie Psyop.
If the details of the drill are uncovered I am confident that they will show that the scenario involved a shooter in the parliament, the Cenotaph killing, along with a mall incident (apparently abandoned mid-operation) and a sniper perched on a high rise building. The scenario may also have included a gunman inside the Post Office as a member of the Military police was televised dragging a “suspect” from the Post Office afetr it was evacuated.
As far as the Rideau Centre Mall. I have a serving member of the Ottawa police force on CNN stating that there was an incident there, he offers solid and total confirmation, but states that there were no injuries. So what happened there and why has it been completely edited out ever since.
Constable Mark Susse”(spelt phonetically his name is spoken not spelled by CNN) “We have had three shootings.. one near the Rideau Centre.. We can confirm that there were three shooting was hurt. “
Canada Shooting Ottawa Canada Parliament Shooting Soldier shot in Ottawa at War Memorial
I would suggest that the correct response to this rather despicable little Psy op would be for the people of Canada to resist each and every new Security proposal proposed by this Government, who are clearly completely cynical and untrustworthy emissaries and servants of the New World Order This lie should destroy the Harper Government, and destroy all trust in the Canadian media forever. How do you describe those who smile and lie in the service of tyranny and mind control? Wicked.
James Robertson.