September 10th, 2014.
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It was after reading an article in the Guardian that the penny began to drop. It was Ian Black's piece from September5th “Bashar al-Assad's pitch for anti-Isis pact with west falls on closed ears” that especially caught my eye.
“Signals from Washington suggest the US, with Nato or Arab help, would not face insurmountable difficulties mounting air strikes against Isis in Syria. Experts say talk of a "formidable" air defence system is exaggerated. The fact that US special forces were able to infiltrate Syria by air this summer in an unsuccessful mission to free hostages suggests it is less than effective. And Israel, an intimate US ally, is likely to have real-time intelligence it would gladly share with the Americans. Syria also has a record of thinking carefully before retaliating.
Assad will not welcome US-led air strikes on Isis on either side of the now irrelevant border between Syria and Iraq – unless they form part of a western rapprochement with him. Attacks will strengthen his opponents because the jihadis now control territory seized from other Syrian rebels. But he may not be able to stop them. The Damascus regime "will continue to view (Isis) as a useful tool for its survival," argues the exiled Syrian commentator Hassan Hassan.”
What madness it seemed to me, to risk the lives of US soldiers and pilots despite the Syrian government offer of co-operation. Why deal with the “not insurmountable” Syrian Air Defence Systems of a state that welcomed your intervention?
Syria will help US fight terrorism, says Walid Muallem – YouTube
and as far as the ridiculous conspiracy theory about the Syrians running IS. They should be consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.
The Last Walk of Syrian Soldiers of the Tabaqa Airbase before Execution by ISIS
Syria clearly remains a key Cabal target and the immediate underlying purpose of the War against the IS group may be the violent overthrow of the Assad Ba'ath party government in Syria.
It sounds ridiculous, it is so illogical, but this is how I fear they are edging towards playing this, and this explains the bizarre resort to blatant psychological operations in the West, especially considering the many very real crimes the group have committed/ against a variety of groups in Iraq and Syria.
This seems to be the best explanation for all the ridiculous hype, with the entire Global War on terror being relaunched with IS as the new Flag bearers of the “menace”. The possibility that these fake beheadings and relentless hype are in preparation for a False Flag attack attributed to the IS cannot be excluded but is highly unlikely. Obviously there are also many long term “police state and surveillance” goals that are also being served by this hype.
Another 911 is simply impossible in the newly diversified and hostile media landscape. Even relatively small events like Boston and Sandy Hook completely unravelled . The bigger and more complex the event the harder it becomes for psychological operations to succeed.
It is far more likely that this tool is going to be used to engage in a War against Syria, a war of absolute madness as even if they succeeded (highly unlikely given Iranian and Russian position) they would undoubtedly be destroying the modern Syrian state just as they have destroyed Libya and leaving groups of jihadists to vie for power, as is happening today in Libya. .
Through a couple of sneaky steps and a routine manipulation of the facts , the War against IS in Iraq morphs into a war against the IS in Syria, which soon morphs into War against the Syrian government. The only way it will be safe for our aircraft to bomb the IS in Syria therefore will be to bomb the Syrian Air Defence Systems, which means also bombing Military Command and Control Facilities, which morphs easily into simply trying to wipe out the Syrian Government from the air as they did successfully to the government of Libya. You add the leaders of the State to the target list, and eliminate them. The fact that Libya has genuinely descended into a Somalia style failed state apparently does not trouble these serial vandals and pathological arsonists.
Syria and Iraq.
So we have to establish the IS as the worst thing since unsliced bread, (or at least al Qaeda) We have to establish this brand as being an immediate threat to Westerners via the Western recruits and the hoax beheading films.
Once we establish the brand, we begin to attack them in Iraq. Not a concerted or intense campaign, just enough to prevent them holding or attacking specific areas (Mosul Dam and Irbil are the obvious examples) Iraq has been “done”, there is no state left to destroy. Iraq is the end product, the goal. A weak, chronically divided state . Iraq is only a means to another end now.
At some point you state that in order to really “end the IS threat” we will have to attack their Syrian strongholds also. It will then be decided that we the wonderful enlightened West cannot possibly co-operate with Syrian government who have actually been under severe jihadist attack via arms and fighters funnelled into Syria by the West and their allies over the past four years..
Four solid years of blatant propaganda cannot be left to waste. Therefore we must bomb IS in Syria and we must not co-operate with the “beastly” Syrian government despite their offer to put all that aside and work with us against the IS.
So using some sleight of hand and some liberally applied sophistry, the IS threat gets them to their long term goal. They came within days of achieving their goal of directing the US air force against Syria exactly a year ago. Hundreds of Syrian civilians were murdered in the false flag chemical attack that was used to achieve that. But they failed. The Russians outwitted them basically.
Syria's decision to dispose of it's entire Chemical weapons stockpile in return for not being bombed by the US didn't get Assad off the “list” far from it. It only saw Putin himself elevated to a more “urgent” position.
Two months after the al Ghouta false flag failed to get Syria bombed after Russian diplomatic intervention the protests begin on the Maidan in Kiev.
James Robertson.
David Cameron must 'consider cooperating with Syria' to crush Isis | Politics |
Do you support military action against Isis? | World news |
Bashar al-Assad's pitch for anti-Isis pact with west falls on closed ears | World news | The Guardian
Seymour M. Hersh · The Red Line and the Rat Line: Erdoğan and the Syrian rebels · LRB 17 April 2014
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