Pemex Bombing January 31st 2013.
A Story that was (Mostly) Missed
Terror Bombing Slays 37 in Government OIL Headquarters
Mexican Government claims gas leak.
Evidence suggests otherwise.
August 13th, 2014.
As of 2007, Mexico was the sixth largest Oil producer and the tenth largest exporter of Oil.. The Mexican Oil business began imports in 1911. The industry was controlled by Foreign interests thr Royal Dutch Shell company foremost among them,until 1938, when Mexican President Lázaro Cárdenas intervened in the legal preceding by expropriating the oil industry and nationalized the petroleum industry, giving the Mexican government a monopoly in the exploration, production, refining, and distribution of oil and natural gas, and in the manufacture and sale of basic petrochemicals.

The nationalization appears to have been successful, at least initially, “Between 1938 and 1971, Mexico's oil output expanded at an average annual rate of 6%.”
Although the industry was nationalized, the Government of Mexico set up a company named Pemex, in order to run the massive exploration and extraction operation.

Petróleos Mexicanos (
"Pemex has a total asset worth of $415.75 billion, and is the world's second largest non-publicly listed company by total market value and Latin America's second largest enterprise by annual revenue as of 2009, surpassed only by Petrobras (the Brazilian National Oil Company) “ Pemex's “pays out over 60% of its revenue in royalties and taxes, and those funds pay for 40% of the federal government's budget. “
It is claimed that the Mexican Oil industry stagnated due to the Government of Mexico's over reliance on the revenue meaning the company lacked the funds to invest in new ventures. Allegations of corruption have been made about the company. Production has not surpassed a peak achieved in 2004 in subsequent years. A well as corruption within the company, it is alleged that over the past decade, organised crime groups in Mexico have begun to siphon off and steal oil pumped at remote locations, even going so far as to build their own “Siphon pipelines” it is alleged.
"Oil Theft is Big Business for Mexican Gangs - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas
"Theft from Mexico's state oil company Pemex appears to have shifted from a small-scale criminal nuisance into big business, with actors such as the Zetas and Sinaloa Cartel increasingly getting involved.
The oil company, which provides the Mexican government with roughly a third of its operating budget, has long been plagued by robberies. In the past, these were typically carried out by small-scale gangs or Pemex distributors, and would involve intentionally mislabeling gasoline products, or selling off gas siphoned from pipelines at below-market prices.
During the Calderon administration, however, both the type of robberies and the perpetrators have changed, as Proceso reports, based on an internal Pemex document. Today, crude oil is being stolen on a wide scale, and the groups behind the theft are not small-scale gangs or businessmen gaming the system, but rather criminal networks like the Zetas. Furthermore, instead of reselling the oil at Pemex stations, the criminal groups are exploiting their international reach to sell it on to US refineries."

The Pemex company and the Mexican oil industry have been facing various “pressures” from different sources for some time. There is no doubt that part of this pressure is ideologically motivated. Pemex' asset worth of $415.75 billion is a slap in the face, indeed an insult to the NeoLiberal mindset that has dominated the West for the past 30 plus years, with the careers of Margaret Thatcher and Ronald Reagan in power in the 1980's providing a fairly accurate indicator of the time that proponents of NeoLiberal economics rose to power in the West.
Erika Johnson writing at Hot Air articulates this viewpoint.
Mexico’s oil industry is finally, mercifully ready to open for business
on June 8, 2014 by Erika Johnsen
“While the United States’ oil and gas industry has lately been going absolutely gangbusters, Mexico’s oil production has been declining over the past decade — and it isn’t very difficult to figure out why. The state-owned oil company Petroleos Mexicanos, a.k.a. Pemex, was founded in the 1930s and has precluded foreign as well as private investment into the development of Mexico’s considerable oil and gas reserves throughout most of its history. The prevailing populist/socialist-ish sentiment that tends to look on said foreign and private investment as little better than plunderage of The People’s natural resources has kept the industry from following in the United States’ footsteps, but as President Peña Nieto put it when signing the legislation removing these self-imposed economic shackles last December, “we’ve decided to overcome the myths and taboos to take a great leap into the future” — and that time is almost nigh.”

Shannon Young of the Texas Observer offers a contrary view.
"American Media Misses the Story on Mexican Oil Reform - The Texas Observer
Shannon Young February 10th,2014."
Despite the promises that energy reform will unlock wealth for the benefit of the nation while lowering energy costs, many Mexicans are skeptical. Past moves to privatize the telecommunications sector, railroads and the Bank of Mexico did more to turn a handful of politically connected individuals into billionaires than benefit the average citizen.
The celebratory rhetoric in the U.S. press about energy reform failed to touch on what are key concerns for many Mexicans opposed to the de-nationalization of hydrocarbons reserves.
Foremost is the uncertainty around what could happen when the most profitable sector of the economy is opened up to foreign companies. Currently, most of the profits earned by Pemex go directly into national coffers, supporting the social safety net, education and middle class jobs in the public sector. Will the government be forced to take “austerity measures,” cut social spending and downsize its bureaucracy when part of the oil and gas profits flow toward foreign shareholders? If energy reform fails to produce the economic success its supporters promise, would its failure trigger a domino effect of wider economic collapse within Mexico?
Then there’s the issue of the rushed—and some would say undemocratic—way in which energy reform was passed. The legislation zipped through both houses of Congress and a majority of state legislatures over the course of just one week. Past attempts to open up Mexico’s energy sector had been stopped by well-organized opposition. This time, a legislative coalition including the country’s two largest political parties ensured easy passage of the reform, steamrolling the opposition and ignoring calls to put the controversial measure to a popular vote in a nationwide referendum.”
(That's how we like it, perfection!)
“Another issue is that some of the most significant oil and gas deposits are located in—or just offshore of—areas known in Mexico as zonas de silencio or silence zones.
In silence zones, organized criminals operate with little hindrance from local authorities; civilians face economic and physical violence; open criticism and adversarial journalism can be life-threatening; and impunity is systemic.
Residents of silence zones often regard organized criminals and local government authorities as different facets of the same power structure. This is particularly the case in the Gulf Coast border state of Tamaulipas, where organized criminals control many secondary roads to gas fields; fuel theft from state-owned pipelines is rampant; and stolen gas is sold openly out of the backs of vans in border cities like Matamoros, Rio Bravo and Reynosa.
Just how foreign companies will go about their business in oil and gas fields in territories with already entrenched armed actors is an open question. But experiences in Iraq, which de-nationalized its oil reserves after the U.S.-led invasion, have shown that some American energy companies are willing to do business in violence-plagued areas if the reserves and the potential gains from them seem to justify the risks.
The energy reform story is still developing. Mexico, plagued by corruption and an insecurity crisis, is embarking on one of the most controversial economic reforms in its modern history. In February, legislators will draft secondary legislation to nail down licensing and other details. No doubt there’ll be protesters outside the legislative chambers once again clamoring for a say in how the nation’s oil and gas wealth is administered and distributed..”
Over the past several years several rather strange disasters have beset the Pemex company, leading to a large number of deaths and injuries. To be honest I have looked at some of the refinery and pipeline incidents, and I can't provide evidence of lies or foul play in these cases. The Pemex Tower incident is another matter entirely. Hardly fits the description of a classic False Flag attack as there were no patsies. I think that indicates that the message was aimed at insiders. The general public were not the intended audience. It's an example of a terrorist attack that was covered up by a corrupt government intent only on serving their Globalist masters and lying to the people they are supposedly serving.
The Bombing.January 31st, 2013.
The Pemex tower in Mexico City was struck by a series of large explosions at around 3.45 pm on January 31st,2013. (31113). Thirty seven people died and more than 100 were wounded. Three weeks after the event the Government of Mexico claimed that the explosion was the result of a methane gas leak ignited by an electrical fault in the Car park of the administrative Centre, a 17 floor building adjoining the 51 storey Pemex Tower.
They maintain this story today.
I came across this extremely illuminating piece about this rather obscure (or so I thought) event.
and I'm almost disappointed. Dudley Althaus has understood and solved this almost six months ago. This is quality stuff and I hope Dudley doesn't mind me reprinting some of his work.
“Pemex Blast Opens Questions about Mexico Govt Transparency - InSight Crime | Organized Crime in the Americas”by Dudley Althaus
Thursday, 21 February 2013
"Nearly three weeks after an explosion that killed 37 people and injured 100 more in the headquarters of Mexico's national oil company, Pemex, the public is far from learning exactly what was behind the tragedy. The government's opaque approach conjures up ghosts of other unexplained events and concerns about what may lie ahead.
Senior Mexican officials have blamed leaked gas -- maybe methane, maybe not -- and poo-poohed talk of a criminal or terrorist attack on the complex January 30 (sic). Even so, they did not allow foreign investigators near ground zero prompting some to speculate about the nature and source of the explosion.
They've also provided various scenarios but no solid evidence for their conclusions. Meanwhile, both the blast and the investigation have disappeared from headlines and airwaves,
Things happen, elicit moments of surprise and/or outrage and then fade. The Mexican public loses faith in ever knowing causes, ever trusting what information it's finally granted. As with Pemex's latest explosion, the factual fog spawns rumors, conspiracy theories and shoulder shrugs.
George Baker, a respected Houston-based energy analyst and Pemex watcher, has compiled some of the "counter narratives" explaining the blast making the rounds in the energy industry. They range from plots by unnamed gangster bands, guerrilla groups, or disgruntled employees, to an inside job aimed at destroying incriminating documents held in the damaged buildings.
The Zetas have systematically targeted Pemex for years. In addition to collecting extortion, they steal gasoline, natural gas and liquid petroleum, among other products, and resell these products in Mexico and the United States, costing the company an estimated $1 billion per year. (See InSight Crime map below, which charts attacks on Pemex pipelines registered in 2010). When they don't get their way, the Zetas have been known to kidnap workers.
There are also sticky legal issues swirling around the company connecting it to organized crime. One oil services firm, ADT Petroservicios, which allegedly laundered money for the Zetas, had millions in contracts with Pemex. The head of the company, Francisco Antonio Colorado Cessa, was arrested in 2012 in Texas, and the company was subsequently blacklisted by the US Treasury Department.
"Some asked, is a drug cartel warning the new government to keep its distance?" Baker wrote in a report on the blast for his website.
If a deliberate attack – with C-4 explosives, as some suggest – the Pemex explosion's real target likely was the Peña government, who like his recent predecessors hopes to reform Mexico's crucial yet stumbling energy industries.
Despite government denials, many believe such reforms aim to re-privatize a petrochemical industry whose nationalization 75 years ago remains a source of patriotic pride.
But beyond energy issues, Peña and his allies hope to change the conversation about Mexico – for the past six years dominated by gangland violence – to one of economic progress, social peace and competent rule.
That "Mexico's moment" narrative contends that the country's 115 million people are ready to realize their destiny as one of the world's leading economies and political powers. But the attempts to point to good news continues being overshadowed by both the criminal violence, which which has claimed 70,000 lives by one recent government estimate, and unresolved mysteries like the Pemex disaster. “
This is from CBC, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation.story, “Mexico oil firm blast death toll rises to 32 - World - CBC News”Feb 01, 2013
“The cause of the basement explosion in an administrative building next to the iconic, 51-storey Pemex tower in Mexico City remained a mystery, with President Enrique Pena Nieto urging people not to speculate. “ Later, “The explosion occurred at about 3:45 p.m., just as the administrative shift was about to end. It hit the basement and three floors, where as many as 250 people work, Lozoya said. The floors collapsed in the 14-storey administrative building at the headquarters office complex, where some 10,000 people work daily. Lozoya said about 1,700 work in the building affected. Pemex first said it had evacuated the tower and administrative building because of a problem with the electrical system. The company later tweeted that the Attorney General's Office was investigating the explosion..”
Here are a couple of eyewitness accounts of the Pemtex blast Before the Methane explanation story was imposed by the Mexican government. “Gabriela Espinoza, 50, a Pemex secretary for 29 years, was on the second floor of the tower when she said she heard two loud explosions and a third smaller one."
"There was a very loud roar. It was very ugly," she said.
Espinoza's co-worker, Tomas Rivera, 32, worked on the ground floor in the building where the explosion occurred and said the force knocked him to the basement, fracturing his wrist and jaw. The injured were taken to two Pemex hospitals and other facilities, including the Red Cross hospital in the Polanco neighborhood near the oil company's headquarters.”
Here is something telling, “Earlier in the day, Pemex sent out a tweet saying that the building was being evacuated due to a "problem with the electrical system" in the complex that includes the skyscraper “
I managed to find a number of Mexican television stories on the blast. Watching this video. Just the first 30 seconds. Clarified the situation.
This footage really simplified things, because the film was being shot from at or near ground level, we are in office building, at or above ground level, we are not in the basement. Wounded civilians are present. It is absolutely clear that the ceiling cladding has been dislodged and blasted downward from above. The Government of Mexico have attributed the blast
“explosion occurred in the basement of a parking garage adjacent to the main office building. The blast caused the first two stories of the fourteen-floor Building B-2 to partially collapse. The cause of the blast was a gas leak that was ignited by an electrical fault “
How does event in a “parking garage.” possibly cause the first floor roofing to be buckled downwards while the floor underneath you is largely intact. An explosion has taken place in the office space, and that cannot be the result of a methane blast in a basement car park in my opinion.
[caption id="attachment_75" align="alignnone" width="300"]

As to the perpetrators? I wouldn't care to speculate, beyond the fact that the group involved must have a lot of clout within the Mexican government, is part of a larger network of Transnational organised crime, and is fanatically devoted to the NeoLiberal economic model and to stomping all who stand in their path. I guess that “Shadow government” is the best term I can conjure. One thing this story does highlight in my opinion and an important thing some people including myself often overlook, is that many, many of the World's government's have been infiltrated by this network. If you focus solely on the USA United Kingdom, France, Israel Canada and Australia etc, you miss the vital fact that they are in Turkey, they are big in Indonesia, big in Mexico, in China and Russia,
These type of attacks are best interpreted as quite simple “deep messages” in my opinion. I don"t know what the precise message of this attack was of course, but I would suggest that it was something like.”If we don't get the energy policy we demand, bad things are going to keep happening, and no-one in Mexico will be safe. We can get away with anything. "
I guess one question is:Why did the Mexican government lie about this event? What is their motive? The answer to this question is unknowable, but it seems safe to assume that elements within the Mexican government are formal or informal operatives of the group that actually conducted the attack. One group has the task of attacking the building with explosives, another is tasked with lying about it, finding a patsy if one is required etc. Both are employees of the same network.
The Oil executives and the Politicians were the intended audience, along with the people of Mexico. This is only one tactic in a broader war, most of the war is never seen, it involves information and presumably bribery. Threats and ultraviolence are still occasionally required , it seems. While the exact shape of the Mexican energy reforms is yet to be mapped out, the Dark elite have achieved their policy goal.
lAlberto de la Fuente, president of Shell Mexico, major operator in Mexico prior to nationalization, offered these revealing remarks to Reuters on February 13th,2013, a fortnight after the Pemex attack.
Mexico nationalized its oil industry in 1938, and deep reform would require changes to the constitution.
"The more open the regime that's proposed, the broader and deeper the reform," de la Fuente told Reuters in an interview this week. "Without a doubt that will attract more investment to Mexico. In that sense, a constitutional reform would surely bring more investment," he said.
New President Enrique Pena Nieto of the centrist Institutional Revolutionary Party has said energy reform aimed at luring private capital will be a top priority this year. Mexico's government relies on oil revenues to fund about a third of the federal budget, and the heavy tax burden has limited Pemex's ability to fund new projects and raise output.
I do believe that Mexico should hurry up," de la Fuente said, adding that if reforms are delayed for years the country's energy wealth could be squandered if energy prices fall."
The phrase they really love to repeat, and will use in reference to every nation on the earth is >open up to foreign investment. " Every nation must "open up to foreign investment."We hear this phrase time and again like a mantra. You must open up to Foreign investment. It sounds reasonable enough, but what does it really mean? What are the actual implications of this doctrine, this dogma? In my opinion it simply means that the world's Oligarchs should be able to buy anything anywhere without interruption from either individual or National sovereignty.That the interests of an individual or nation should never be allowed to become an obstacle in the quest of certain elements within the Financial services. Energy and Arms Industries to control the whole world through debt, lies and violence. The world is a place where the Oligarchs exercise the power they deserve by virtue of their intellectual superiority and ruthlessness. They use persuasion, and when that fails, they make their feelings more plainly known, with massacres such as the bombing attack on the Pemex building of 2013.They are just a better connected group of mobsters in my opinion.
. Hopefully at some point in time the people of Mexico will demand the truth from the Mexican Government regarding this atrocity.
James Robertson.
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