Gaza massacre exposes the sad truth and signals end of all hope for the Zionist movement.
Friday, August 1, 2014.
There will be no redemption now. Redemption and reconciliation have now become impossible for Israel. A state for whom "criminal Zionist entity" is no longer a pejorative epithet, but rather an accurate description.
At the time of writing, more than 1400 citizens have been slaughtered during Israel's Gaza offensive, entering it's fourth week with no end in sight. The people who are dying in this war, the Palestinian civilians and fighters, the IDF troops and the Israeli civilians are all our people. They are all our brothers and sisters. We belong to them and they belong to us. Our fates are interconnected no matter how different or distant we may seem.
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This event marks a tremendous human tragedy, but also a tremendous human failure. As cliched as it is, we really should have grown up and moved beyond this ridiculous tribal warfare aeons ago. As much as I abhor the rocket fire of Palestinian militants and the deaths of two Israeli civilians in Israel undoubtedly represents a crime. We are witnessing an horrific litany of atrocities from Israel. Now an open rogue state that appears to be under the permanent control of a psychopathic gang of fascists and arch supremacists.
Indeed, so many and varied have been the Crimes against Humanity committed by Israel during this hideous and wicked onslaught that it is hard to know where to start.
The images have been harrowing and devastating, and the statistics are the same.
At least 250 children killed, two thirds under twelve, civilian deaths running at a minimum of 75% OF Palestinian casualties and possibly more than 90%. Three Israeli civilian deaths, more than a thousand Palestinian civilian deaths.
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Numerous UN schools housing refugees have been attacked. All of Gaza's hospitals have been attacked with missiles by the Israeli military. The children;s ward and the intensive care wards of the al Shifa, Gaza's largest hospital were both directly targeted by Israeli bombs. The Israeli military habitually tell outrageous lies, that even the controlled media discard about the mass casualty attacks being caused by Palestinian fire.
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Citizens of Southern israel have been gathering on the hills overlooking Gaza and cheering and celebrating as the people of Gaza are murdered. It seems different this time, the Israeli's hardly seem to care what anyone thinks of them.
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The fascism and supremacism are now openly and shamelessly on display. This is a state in which racist football fans face no censure whatsoever for chanting "Death to the Arabs".
Zio Fascists roaming the streets of Jerusalem. "Death to Arabs". (June 6th,2014)
and at the same time a pro-Peace organisation (B'Tselem) is actually forbidden by the state media regulsator from placing an advertisement that listed the names of some of the children murdered by the Nation's military.
Harriet Sherwood in Jerusalem
"The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned a radio advertisement from a human rights organisation which listed the names of some of the scores of children killed in Gaza since the conflict began 17 days ago.
B'Tselem's appeal against the decision was rejected on Wednesday. It intends to petition Israel's supreme court on Sunday in an effort to get the ban overturned.
The IBA said the ad's content was "politically controversial". The broadcast refers to child deaths in Gaza and reads out some of the victims' names.
In its appeal, B'Tselem demanded to know what was controversial about the item. "Is it controversial that the children [aren't] alive? That they're children? That those are their names? These are facts that we wish to bring to the public's knowledge."
Israelis in Tel Aviv 26.7.2014_ _There's no school tomorrow,there's no children left in Gaza! Oleh!
This video depicts Israeli extremists openly celebrating the Genocide of the children of Gaza.
One thing worth bearing in mind is that this is Zionist evil, not Jewish evil. Zionism is not equivalent to Judaism. Not all Zionists are Jewish and not all Jewish people are Zionists. The idea that all or even most Jewish people are supporters of Zionism is a myth not supported by the facts. The majority of the Jewish people in the world do not live in Israel and are not in need of the "protection" of a Jewish state.
These crimes are not being committed by "the Jews" and attempts to label Jewish people collectively negatively based on Israel's criminality are immoral and completely misguided. Any analysis that attempts to throw a blanket over a whole group of people as all anything is simple minded, troglodyte nonsense.
Equally immoral and ridiculous are attempts to label all of Israel's critics as being motivated by anti-Jewish prejudice. Judaism did after all, exist for thousands of years prior to Zionism. The Zionis movement is itself regarde as heretical by many Jewish scholars who believe that there shoul only be a Jewish stste after the return of the Messiah. This movement has really been an awful con job from day one, and the people who were recruited into the Zionist movement were overwhelmingly naive and innocent. They were completely unaware that they were being misled and manipulated.
It has become completely obvious that there will never be a Two State solution in Palestine. Israel has had 47 years to do the right thing, obey International law, and leave the West Bank, East Jerusalem and the Golan Heights. Instead, Israel has done precisely the opposite. The time is up for this ridiculous process that has been cynically manipulated by Israel to enable them to requisition more of the land of Palestine in total contravention of International law.
Ultimately, this means that the challenge for humanity is going to be to manage the end of Zionism in as consensual and non-violent manner possible. It may seem impossible today, but so many human achievements seemed impossible before people tried to make them happen. We have to try and convince the people of Israel to accept the people of Palestine as citizens of a Bi-national, unified democratic state in the land of Mandate Palestine. It is the South African solution th the Jewish Apartheid problem. No big war, no-one forced to leave or driven out or slaughtered. It will simply be a move to a State where people live together and co-operate regardless of background or religious affiliation.
Until that happens, the nightmare of evil and supremacist madness that Israel has descended into will presumably worsen. The Zionist movement is destroying itself and it's tenuous legitimacy right before our eyes. We have to try and ease their fall into reality and also prevent them from destroying others as they fall.
To Christian supporters of Israel I will make two simple points.
One, Israel subjugates and oppresses the Christian population of Palestine along with all other non-Jews. Another far more fundamental reason that Christians should not support Israel is that Israel breaks the Golden Rule everyday. Each and everyday they inflict treatment on the people of Palestine that they would find immoral and unacceptable if it were inflicted upon them and this has been the case each and every day since June 1967.
The people whose forebears were the victims of Nazi persecution now have their own untermensch to torment and murder. It was unacceptable then and will always be so. We cannot hope to build an enlightened and civilised future until we realise that there can never again be uber and untermensch, not in Europe or Palestine or anywhere else.
by James Robertson
Gaza onslaught has shattered west's view that Arabs are source of violence
'Tomorrow there’s no school in Gaza, they don’t have any children left' -- Israeli chant
Video: Jewish mob roams the street in Jerusalem chanting 'Death to Arabs!'
'World stands disgraced' as Israeli shelling of school kills at least 15 | World news | The Guardian
Israeli strike on Gaza school kills 15 and leaves 200 wounded | World news | The Guardian
Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza | World news |
Colonialism never ended in Palestine | Opinion , Columnist | THE DAILY STAR
Israel’s chronic use of force is failing | Opinion , Columnist | THE DAILY STAR
LIVE UPDATES: Israeli shelling of UNWRA school in Gaza kills 15, Hamas says - Diplomacy and Defense Israel News | Haaretz
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Israel's rank and rotten fruit is being called fascism
PressTV - Bolivia declares Israel terrorist regime
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