The Meaning of the Beheading Hoax.
I loathe this type of material and never seek it out, only after it became obvious that the video did not depict a murder did I watch and download the so called execution video. I was astonished to discover that the “execution" video does not depict any actual violence or evidence of death, indeed the “money shot” in this evil snuff porn is a transparent fraud. It appears as though they have a CPR dummy with a couple of blood packs and heavy use of photoshop. The photograph of the dead James Foley is obviously manipulated at first sight, detailed analysis is not required, it's almost intentionally insulting.The video appears to have been created on a soundstage,and it must be assumed that Mr. Foley was not killed, because, if he had been killed their would be no need to photoshop the only image that depicts his beheadedness. A bloodied head is placed on a body, the body appears to be a dummy, the head is photoshopped, the body and the head are both without any signs of a neck. The neck has completely disappeared. At face value, it seems like the “executioner” is an actor, presumably but not necessarily working for British Intelligence. The same assumption is valid for Mr. Foley, he is almost certainly, 99.9999% a CIA operative.
British intelligence sadly actually have a history of manufactured beheadings, as they appear to be the authors of the Lee Rigby fake beheading street theatre of May 2013. (the Drummer Man Chris Spivey)
This video drives the point home really well.
James Foley FAKE Execution - Video Analysis Reveals the Truth
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FdLbg8Vu6Gk&w=420&h=315]
I would not post this link if I thought there was any possibility anyone was actually hurt:
LiveLeak.com - James Foley : US Journalist James Foley Beheaded by ISIS militants | RAW VIDEO
A very good compilation of evidence is here:
Aangirfan: FOLEY IS FAKE
The criticism appears to be leading to fear from the opposition. Thus:
“Watching James Foley beheading video may be a terror offence, Met police warn | Mail Online”
'We would like to remind the public that viewing, downloading or disseminating extremist material within the UK may constitute an offence under terrorism legislation.'
Government sources today confirmed that David Cameron has seen a full version of the video following his return to Downing Street.
Presumably the Met will now proceed to caution Prime Minister Cameron, as he has been admitted to watch the video which “may constitute an offence under terrorism legislation.”
So we have another act of psychological warfare against the people of the West and the Muslim world. The operating assumption would be that the US, Israeli, British, French and probably many other Western intelligence agencies have been running the “Islamic State” operation all the way.
The bizarre paradox is that because the “Islamic State” group is being set up as the next patsy candidate for a massive attack in the United States, the right thing for the US military to do is to use their air-force to crush the group because it will vastly reduce the pool of patsies and make the false flag much harder to conduct.
The rational thing to do would be to try and end the Syrian Civil war through negotiations, give amnesty to the rebel fighters, stop the fighting and focus on the “IS” group, yet maniacal Neocons are actually trying to use the “IS” threat as a pretext to attack the government of Syria! It's astonishing. The naked psychosis of actually blaming the Syrian Government for the presence of fighters we and our allies in Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. armed and sent into their country is astonishing even by the standards of the serial liars of our controlled media.
Incredibly, CNN were actually caught running an “IS” psy- op in Ferguson Missouri, where protests continue and are meeting police state tactics almost a fortnight after unarmed black teenager Mike Brown was shot six times by a police officer, including an execution style sixth bullet fired into the teens head.
“ISIS IS HERE! CNN Caught Staging 'ISIS Psyop In Ferguson' #ferguson”
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XqDgwoeIP0o&w=560&h=315]
The point is, that this group if left undefeated, will pose a grave threat, because they are the patsies, the loud mouthed “synthetic” Muslims framing themselves for whatever atrocity the “Secret Team” come up with next as the United States police begin to unmask themselves as the committed slaves of the New World Order. Obviously that is not going to be true of all, or even a majority of US police on an individual level. This is the institutional view, and subscription to these views are the price of joining the “new feudal enforcement” gangs.
There is some information that can be gleaned from this lie operation.
1. They are clearly working from a script, and on that script there are clearly a checklist of things they are going to do.
2. Given the consistent threats towards the USA, and frequent claims by the “IS” today to have fighters in the United States, along with the implicit threats from former Vice President Cheney of nuclear attack on the USA. There is an overwhelming likelihood- far short of certainty, that one of the items towards the bottom of the list is some type of “mega terror” attack in the United States.
3. This has in many ways been the year of the Trident. The trident on the Ukraine coat of arms.

The Trident of Malaysian Airlines.
[caption id="attachment_121" align="alignnone" width="287"]
Three prongs, I think that there is a very strong possibility that they will not stop at two Malaysian Airlines jets this year.A "suicide hijacking" blamed on “IS” would make a fitting end to a year of terror attacks against the Malaysian flag carrier apparently motivated by rage at the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal findings of guilt against Israel for genocide made in November 2013.
The findings were in relation to the Israeli supervised and conducted massacre of thousands of Arab civilians in November , in September 1982 in the Sabra and Shatila camps and a Beirut Stadium.
Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Why the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal’s genocide verdict against Israel sets a key precedent — RT Op-Edge
This will teach them to run their nasty and subversive little show trials telling the truths about Western crimes.
4. One target, a target that seems absurd in scale, but that does appear to have been foreshadowed, is the Hoover Dam. A more realistic target would be the Sears towers. This is pure speculation without solid foundation.
5. This group have already been used as a "false flag". The ISIS Israeli teen kidnapping responsibility claim indicates that the “ISIS” device is being used by Israeli intelligence.. The evidence, albeit circumstantial, indicates that it was Israeli security forces who kidnapped and murdered the three young Israeli settlers. The Israeli police appear to have engaged in an obvious “stand down” when the attack happened, with the police operator dismissing the emergency call made by one of the teen victims was a hoax and ignoring it. No action whatsoever was taken for five hours after the distress call. Two interesting features of the phone call that stand out are that the kidnapper says to the hostages “get down, get down” speaking Hebrew.Another thing was that the sounds of gunfire were clearly audible on the recording of the distress call. A number of shots are fired and the teens are apparently murdered in the back of a car.” The Mossad Chief speculated about a near identical scenario only a week prior to the event. The incriminating Israeli numberplates were removed from the burned out vehicle that turned up out of nowhere and was said to have been used in the kidnapping and murder. So the ISIS claim of responsibility, when Hamas are the designated guilty party, and some part of the Israeli Security Structure are responsible is more than a little suspicious.
It appears not to be the Mossad Chief or that group but one of the internal agencies. There was an internal power struggle within the Israeli security apparatus, the kidnapping was a wicked riposte from the hard liners against the moderates who apparently included the Mossad Chief,
ISIS-linked Muslim group takes responsibility for kidnapping three teens, including one American, in Israel : Jihad Watch
6. The media are not hyping this group for fun, and the goal is much broader than a few air strikes in Iraq or Syria. If an attack is imminent, it is likely that “IS” fighters will begin making time and place specific threats. The New World Order don't want the police to fight the people. They want the people to cheer for and identify with the police state. Like they appeared to do after the Boston bombings They want the people to demand the police state.On;y terror can create the right mindset. It is all doomed,it's not going to work, but they are not about to lay down after so many decades of effort.
James Robertson.
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