Oops They Hoaxed it Again!
Beheading Hoax Mk.2 Steven Sotloff.
There is a funny scene towards the end of the Monty Python classic “the Life of Brian”. A large group of prisoners on their way to crucifixion are greeted by a cheerful Roman soldier/bureaucrat, who greets the prisoners and instructs them, “Out of the door, line on the left, one cross each". One prisoner states “No, I am not sentenced to crucifixion, I'm was sentenced to freedom". The incompetent Roman bureaucrat has no idea the man is lying and says “All right them, off you go” Whereupon the man sentenced to crucifixion admits he has been lying, he too has been sentenced to crucifixion, the Roman bureaucrat scolds him lightly, they both laugh at the prank, and the prisoner resumes his place in the group of men about to be crucified. It’s a joke about bureaucratic incompetence and also peoples mindless subservience towards it. The reason the scene is funny is it's absurdity, it is ridiculous, no-one sentenced to be crucified who managed to talk their way out of it would ever possibly confess immediately and return to the condemned group.
The bizarre, absurd and fraudulent “beheading” videos of US journalists James Foley and now Steven Sotloff are truly Pythonesque in their absurdity.
Imagine the conversation.
IS jihad nutter enters the cell where captured US journalist is being held.
After greeting the prisoner and exchanging minor pleasantries, the British born jihadist nutter explains the unfortunate situation to the captured journalist.
“Your American government has disobeyed our orders to stop blowing our "brothers” up therefore, I am going to have to chop your head off on camera today in the hopes that the US government will discontinue Air strikes against the Caliphate,”
Captured US journalist. “Understood buddy, no hard feelings, is there any way I can help you blokes out with your propaganda message before you cut my head off?”
British Jihadist Nutter “As it happens mate, we have worked up a little speech we would like you to read for the camera, I have the script here, we think it's best if you can learn as much as possible before we go live. We will have cue cards, but it will be more natural if you can memorise it.”
Captured American journalist. “Not a problem, I will do my best, we will have takes available if I miss a line though buddy?”
British jihad nutter. “Multiple takes. Thank you for being so obliging in what must be an upsetting time.”
Captured US journalist. “Glad to be helpful buddy.”
British Jihadist nutter “ Excellent, listen, I have a couple of things to do so I'll leave that with you and I guess I'll see you at the beheading.”
“OK pal, I will have this thing down. I am gonna nail this script down, I really want to do a good job for you guys.”
British Jihadist nutter. “Excellent” Departs.
These men are journalists, they are not complete fools, they would know that the US is never going to change what it does based on threats to hostages from Jihadists. They would know that the videos would have the exact opposite effect, they would galvanise the United States public against the “Caliphate” make the need to destroy them and attack them seem more urgent and be more popular.
One interesting thing about this rather dismal psychological operation, is that the creators of these fiascos clearly tried to learn from their mistakes in the Foley video.
There are some minor improvements. They clearly decided that the lack of wind noise in what purported to be a Video shot outdoors was a problem, so the Sotloff video has far more wind noise. They seem to have simply procured a more powerful fan and turned it up to it’s highest level. They also improved the “death shot”, producing a fake video (rather than simply a photo as in Foley video) purporting to depict the corpse of Sotloff with the head sitting on the top.
The immediate goal of these Videos and this group are fairly obvious. Raise the level of fear amongst Western civilians, destroy the social fabric of the Middle East, mimicking the Zionist movement with Neo-Bolshevik Sunni Extremists and rejuvenate and 'renew the narrative" of the Global War on Terror.
These monsters have been manufactured and they have been hyped, but many of their crimes are very real. The fact that these videos are not authentic does not change that fact.
The sad truth is that the "IS" group are the enemies of humanity, they need to be dealt with sooner rather than later, and I support all of the Military Operations being conducted against them, despite the cynical and dishonest nature of this psychological operation. The way the USA watched passively as the IS looted the Iraq Army weapons stockpiles is extremely suspicous, especially the way they were allowed to drive the hardware back to their Syrian strongholds.
It i9s time for the West to abandon the operation they have been conducting against the Government of Syria over the past four years. It has failed, it has been a fiasco and has only deepened the instability and chaos in this region for no tangible benefit.
There is no doubt the Ba'athist government in Syria has committed many crimes over the years, there is equally no doubt that the Syrian government is not Sectarian, represents stability and is vastly preferable to any of it's rivals in Syria.
\Where the Neocons failed to get their War in Syria, they succeeded in Libya. Gaddafi, like the Ba'athists in Syria had many faults and committed many crimes, Libya is now a failed state. Revolution almost never achieves positive change, especially when it is violent. The people of the Middle East have suffered unbelievable torment and privation as a result of the deluded policy of chaos pursued by the West over the past decade. When things go wrong as in Libya, they simply walk away as if it had nothing to do with them. These policies are completely counterproductive and immoral and must end forever now.
The very idea that "We know best" is no more than an arrogant delusion of the childish megalomaniacs of the Western think tanks.
Enough already.
James Robertson.
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